вторник, 25 февруари 2014 г.

Seslavtsi "St. Nicholas "

Seslavtsi monastery was built in the XVII- th century by the locals in the village Seslavtsi . The church is a building with apse narthex , nave with rich murals . There are three picturesque layers, one of which dates from 1618 and is made from one of the most famous Bulgarian writer and artist - Pimen Zografski . The scenes have different biblical , evangelical and mythical stories. Entire west wall is occupied by a large composition that presents the family tree of Jesus. Today the monastery need urgent restoration. From Sofia - Levski monument of route 34 and bus 117 to Auto station " East ."

Iskretski monastery " Virgin Mary "

Iskretski monastery " Virgin Mary " was built in the XIII- th century and in the XIV- th century it was destroyed by the Turks, then nearly three centuries forgotten and abandoned . In XVII- th century it was restored by first acting as a church , and later from 1834 . acts as manastir.Hramat represents a basilica , dome building. Externally the church is unadorned , but pretezhava exceptional stenopisi.V it are preserved three images of Christ - Almighty Emmanuel and Vethiydenmi . Altar apse includes images Mary Shirshaya heavens and Pentecost. The second layer of murals located in the narthex predstvlyavat scenes from " Apocalypse " and " Revelation of John the Evangelist ". In the narthex of the monastery are other stories that are impressive " Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee ," " torments of the soul " and others. Next to the Iskretski church is unique in the Balkans christening - confessional , which is fully depicted . Nowadays the monastery is opened periodically and raise funds for its restoration, because his condition is critical and really badly needs funds to assist in his recovery. Iskretski Monastery , St. Mary " is   about 45 km from Sofia.

сряда, 29 януари 2014 г.

Eleshnitsa monastery "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" - History

The monastery is located 4 km north of the village Eleshnitsa Elin Pelin, Sofia. Monastery was declared a monument of culture and architecture. Nowadays the monastery is active , but there not monks. As the story of this spiritual center is too long , there is no specific time of occurrence , but it is assumed that it was inhabited by hermit monks in  ninth century. In research studies found a marble slab on which an inscription from 1499 . This provides information that the monastery was founded in the 14th century when they established many monasteries around Sofia, during the reign of Tsar Ivan Alexander. Like other monasteries of Sofia Minor and he was destroyed by the Ottomans . The monastery was rebuilt for 16-17 century. In the 19th century there was hiding Vasil Levski , and when in 1876 Hristo Botev detachment was defeated , some of the surviving rebels find refuge and shelter in the monastery. The monastery is rich in many architectural and scenic information that we receive . The monastery is typical of the Late Middle Ages , it nave with two floors, the first are the premises for cattle, and the second - the monks' cells .

вторник, 28 януари 2014 г.

German monastery "St. Ivan Rilski " - Hristory

German monastery "St. Ivan Rilski " is a Bulgarian Orthodox monastery . It is located 5 km east of the village of German, Sofia and is one of the monasteries in Sofia Mala Sveta Gora . The monastery is of great importance for Bulgarian monks and the Mount Athos . In the past there were preparing for the monks at the monastery located on Mount Athos . Nowadays often stay in the monastery monks from Mount Athos .
The history of the German monastery is long, but very interesting . It was founded in the 10th century, there is information that it lived St. John of Rila monastery therefore bears his name. Its existence does not last long and in the 14th century was destroyed by the Ottomans was not long back was built and became one of the most important centers of the Bulgarian spirit in 15-17 century. In XVIII- century Kurdzhalii plundered and burned . His story does not end there . In the 19th century, locals joint efforts erect nave small building on the ruins of the old monastery . Only in 1885 . it was rebuilt completely , taking the place of a church was built new . During a journey King Ferdinand and Queen Maria Luisa visited the monastery and in his yard planted two redwoods , which still rises majestically from the north side of the monastery. In 1936 . monastery was visited by King Boris III, who came as a guest and also planted a tree .
German monastery is outstanding not only in terms of story there , but the architecture and icons , thanks to which determine the ability of the then masters and their un deniable talent.

Kurile monastery "St. Ivan Rilski" - History

Reverend St. John (Ivan) Rila
The monastery is located in the village of Kourilo 1st Bulgarian Empire at the beginning of slavery Turks destroyed it . In 1593 it was restored by the people in the surrounding villages . Since then church has a basilica with two porch , painted in 1596 by Pimen Zografski since survived several images of saints and scenes . Relatively well preserved is the composition " Assumption" . Saints of full-length differ images of St. Panteleimon and St. Konstantin and Elena. In 1816 , when the abbot Vincent , the church was re- written , but not so artistic . In 1830 the church was pristroyava inner hall, where painted image of St. Ivan Rilski , which is connected to the composition Prayer , along with Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist . At the beginning of the 20th century Kourilo convent had 45 nuns and printing of Christian literatura.V Nowadays the monastery monks will , but it is still operational.

Buhovski monastery "St. Mary Magdalene"-History

There is a tradition that there was a Christian sanctuary of IV- th century , probably the first monastery on our zemi.Tsaritsa Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great on a visit to Serdica was sick and passing away, she filed from spring water .
Not long after the disease is cured , then immediately ordered to build a large temple dedicated to the " Forty Martyrs ." It lasted until the Ottoman conquest , he was burned , and inside left more than 300 followers Christ.
    The Monastery "St. Mary Magdalene " is formed as part of the Sofia Minor Mount Athos in XIV- th century , when the construction of monasteries and spiritual centers played a crucial rolya.Turskite invaders repeatedly destroyed it , as in 1881 . locals built a church on the ruins of the old temple.

Stones have mica and church shone in the sun .. so it was called "Glass Monastery"

понеделник, 20 януари 2014 г.

Why is named Athos monastic republic?

This ring of closely related monasteries built over several centuries. Some of them appear more in the years of the First Bulgarian Empire during the 14th century, it was in its heyday. The monasteries are built like those in Mount Athos and therefore bear the name of the cloister.


неделя, 19 януари 2014 г.

14 monasteries:

Seslavtsi monastery "St. Nicholas"

Kremikovtsi Monastery "St. George"

Dragalevski "St. Mary of Vitosha "
Lozenski "St. Spas "
German "St. Ivan Rilski "
Buhovski monastery "St. Mary Magdalene"
Kokalyane "St. Archangel Michael"

Eleshnitsa monastery "Holy Assumption" 

Kladnitsa "St. Nikola "
Iliensko "St. Elijah "

Divotino "St. Trinity "

Boyana monastery "St. Panteleimon''

Kurilo monastery "St. Ivan Rilski "

Iskretski monastery "St. Mary "

Secrets of Minor Sofia Sveta Gora

  • Stone that grows. 
  • Roman couple found in the foundations of a church. 
  • Two prison cells for kings. 
  • Living water that cures all diseases. 
  • Old trees, true desires.
In the church to Upper Bogrov


Map of the Holy Land

Minor Sofia Sveta Gora is a spiritual center in the Middle Ages . This is  a circle of monasteries, which have a long history and glorious past. They keep deep secret and ancient stories of the Bulgarian nation and its spiritual culture. Monasteries that make up this mysterious place are 14 in number and are located at the foot of Vitosha Mountain Rui , plan, Lyulin , Lozen mountain , and on the southern slopes of the Balkan Mountains , hills Dragoman , Sofia and around Ihtimanska field. History minor Sofia Sveta Gora began in the Middle Ages, mainly during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom ( 1185 - 1396 . ) . One of the most prominent Bulgarian rulers who have a crucial role in the construction of these monasteries is king Ivan Alexander.

King Ivan Alexander

king Ivan Alexander and his wife Sarah