неделя, 19 януари 2014 г.


Map of the Holy Land

Minor Sofia Sveta Gora is a spiritual center in the Middle Ages . This is  a circle of monasteries, which have a long history and glorious past. They keep deep secret and ancient stories of the Bulgarian nation and its spiritual culture. Monasteries that make up this mysterious place are 14 in number and are located at the foot of Vitosha Mountain Rui , plan, Lyulin , Lozen mountain , and on the southern slopes of the Balkan Mountains , hills Dragoman , Sofia and around Ihtimanska field. History minor Sofia Sveta Gora began in the Middle Ages, mainly during the Second Bulgarian Kingdom ( 1185 - 1396 . ) . One of the most prominent Bulgarian rulers who have a crucial role in the construction of these monasteries is king Ivan Alexander.

King Ivan Alexander

king Ivan Alexander and his wife Sarah

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